Nick DeForest
Nick DeForest is the Activities Coordinator for the American International School Vienna in Vienna, Austria.
A Canadian who grew up a sports fan of the teams across the border in Buffalo, NY, Nick moved to Vienna to play professional baseball, and has coached the Austrian National Team. Along with several other international school Athletic Directors, Nick founded the Globetrottin’ ADs Network, an organization that serves to provide resources for athletic directors, coaches and athletes around the globe.
He has also written a book, A Global Playbook: How Every International School Can Raise Its Game, available here.
Nick lives in Vienna with his wife and two daughters.

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You need purpose, you need to know why you’re there, why you’re doing things… being an educator and being a servant leader is that for me. @Nick_GTADs #purpose #theartofplayingwell
As a servant leader we prioritize the good of a team you’re on, the organization you’re in, the students you’re with, as the top priority above yourself — you’re there to, to help them grow and lead them. @Nick_GTADs #theartofplayingwell
The average guy can do great things so don’t count yourself out. @Nick_GTADs #leadership #theartofplayingwell
When you can find something that you really want to do and help others with while you do it, is outstanding. @Nick_GTADs #purpose #theartofplayingwell
We’re about character education, and the building all those values in the background, like teaching that it’s okay not to win and it’s worth trying things that are hard. Those are valuable lessons. @Nick_GTADs #theartofplayingwell
I’m just an absolutely average normal guy that found something he was passionate about, and went with it, because I saw the impact it could make on others and myself. @Nick_GTADs #purpose #theartofplayingwell
No matter where you are in the world, what your position is or who you work with, you can learn something from everybody. @Nick_GTADs #growthmindset #theartofplayingwell
The positive lessons of sports, the leadership skills, the character building, don’t just happen automatically. Coaches need to be intentional. @Nick_GTADs #theartofplayingwell