David Hodges

David Hodges has business interests ranging from Mazda and Ford dealerships to insurance agencies to minor league hockey with the Jacksonville Icemen, Savannah Ghost Pirates, and the expansion Lake Tahoe team (with Tim Tebow as his Lake Tahoe partner).

David holds degrees from Liberty University and Jacksonville University, and lives in Jacksonville with his wife, Cara, and their family.


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You have to get comfortable being uncomfortable. @Dchjr11 #risk #theartofplayingwell

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It’s not always easy, it’s not always comfortable, but it’s just that step of faith sometimes that you say, I’m not sure how this is gonna work, but I feel led to do this. I just feel led that this is where God would have me go. @Dchjr11 #theartofplayingwell

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The safe play was to stay, but sometimes God calls us out of safety. @Dchjr11 #theartofplayingwell

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In all of our companies we have three core values: integrity, service, and excellence. And to me, excellence is the idea that if we’re going to do it, we want to do it and strive to be the best. @Dchjr11 #theartofplayingwell

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I have this strong sense of always striving, that no matter what you achieve, you continue to push forward. And we celebrate wins, but I just believe we’re called to excellence. @Dchjr11 #theartofplayingwell

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Part of that comes from growing up in the automobile business, because every 30 days, everything you did last month is gone. An hour after the month closes, you’re back to zero and you got to start over again. @Dchjr11 #theartofplayingwell

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It’s all a journey. You never arrive. Mr. McRae used to say, “If you’re green, you’re growing, if you’re ripe, you’re rotten.” And once you feel like you’ve arrived, that’s the beginning of rot. @Dchjr11 #theartofplayingwell

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