Clint Hurdle

Clint Hurdle has spent 45 years in professional baseball, as a player, coach, and manager. Selected in the first round by the Kansas City Royals, he went on to play for the Royals, Reds, Mets and Cardinals, and manage the Rockies and Pirates. The winningest manager in Rockies history, he led them to the World Series in 2007.

He provides daily email encouragement to people around the world – go to for details.

Clint has three children, and lives in Florida with his wife, Karla.


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We all can use some “arm lifting” or “hope brokering” from time to time. @clinthurdle13 #theartofplayingwell

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Regardless of where you are, circumstances don’t dictate attitude or energy or effort. @clinthurdle13 #theartofplayingwell

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Leadership is about showing up when you’re not comfortable or not 100%, but other people need you to be the best version of you. @clinthurdle13 #leadership #theartofplayingwell

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You can continue to be a part of something if you want to be, by pouring into people, by locking arms, by connecting, by running errands, whatever it might be. @clinthurdle13 #relationships #theartofplayingwell

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Your greatest ability as a teammate is your dependability. @clinthurdle13 #teambuilding #theartofplayingwelll

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When people can warm up to the human side, the authentic side, it makes you much more real. @clinthurdle13 #authentic #theartofplayingwell

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It lightens the grip of life when other people know there’s a lot of people who are also going through this. @clinthurdle13 #theartofplayingwell

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Your first job today is at home. @clinthurdle13 #priorities #relationships #theartofplayingwell

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We need time off the grid where there’s not an event, there’s not a podcast, there’s not a text or an email that needs to be sent. @clinthurdle13 #recharge #priorities #boundaries #theartofplayingwell

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Become disciplined with taking care and managing time and establishing boundaries. @clinthurdle13 #boundaries #priorities #theartofplayingwell

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“No” is a complete sentence. @clinthurdle13 #priorities #boundaries #theartofplayingwell

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“No” doesn’t mean “not yet” or “I’ll do it later.” It’s “no.” @clinthurdle13 #priorities #boundaries #theartofplayingwell

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There’s so much more value when I pay better attention at home. @clinthurdle13 #relationships #theartofplayingwell

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