Catriona Moran

Dr. Catriona Moran is the Head of School at Saigon South International School in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Recognized by the National Association of Elementary School Principals and the State Department of Overseas Schools, Catriona was awarded the National Distinguished Principals award in 2013.

Born and raised in Ireland, Catriona has vast international experience (Japan, Taipei, and Vietnam) and has spent more than 40 years in international education as a teacher, vice-principal, principal, and head of school.

She serves on the EARCOS Board of Directors and the Association for the Advancement of International Education (AAIE) Board of Trustees.


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We’re able to attract some of the best talent around the world to @ssischool because people want to work in an organization where there’s a moral compass. @CatrionaCMoran #theartofplayingwell

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People want to be a part of a school where character development and personal development are valued as much as intellectual development. @CatrionaCMoran #theartofplayingwell

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I need to share what I’ve learned with others — we have people in our midst that we need to mentor, we need to coach, and we need to help them grow. @CatrionaCMoran #mentoring #theartofplayingwell

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I find that I’ll share an insight that seems obvious, but they’ll say they’d never thought about it like that. I think those insights just come from experience. @CatrionaCMoran #theartofplayingwell

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At this point in my career, I need to share what I’ve learned. Plus, I need to continue learning so I can keep guiding our young educators and our young leaders. @CatrionaCMoran #mentoring #theartofplayingwell

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It’s a pleasure and a responsibility to help #mentor others. @CatrionaCMoran #theartofplayingwell

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If we really want the best for the people we mentor then we need to provide that opportunity in our organization or help them to grow and leave us. @CatrionaCMoran #theartofplayingwell

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My succession plan is that some of the people I’m mentoring here, I want them to replace me. @CatrionaCMoran #theartofplayingwell

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It comes back to responsibility. After you’ve had people mentor you in your career, and some really well, then it’s a responsibility to pay it forward. @CatrionaCMoran #mentoring #payitforward #theartofplayingwell

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I didn’t know I wanted to be a school administrator, but others saw that potential in me. @CatrionaCMoran #potential #growth #theartofplayingwell

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I had grade five students one time ask me, “Dr. Moran, how did you become a head of school?” And I said, “I raised my hand. When opportunities would arise, I would say, ‘I can do that.'” @CatrionaCMoran #theartofplayingwell

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When weighing opportunities I ask if I can have the greatest impact there? Or is it just attractive because it has status? We try not to make decisions based on ego. @CatrionaCMoran #theartofplayingwell

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I left a huge school, a wonderful school, when I came to @ssischool. But I came here because I knew the next step in my career was to build something, to help take something that was good and make it great. @CatrionaCMoran #theartofplayingwell

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“Know thyself,” and focus on that instead of being tempted to the left or the right to other things that might just stroke your ego or provide a very nice financial package but isn’t right for you. @CatrionaCMoran #theartofplayingwell

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It’s so exciting and rewarding to be building this together, and to see improvements year after year with the community expanding and students enjoying what we’re providing for them. @CatrionaCMoran #purpose #theartofplayingwell

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