Bill Elman

Bill Elman is the Director of the International School of Ulaanbaatar, a Kindergarten to 12th grade school with students and staff from 25 different nationalities, in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. 

He arrived at ISU in 2017 after serving as the Director of the Rabat American School in Rabat, Morocco, following a variety of stints at schools in China, Latvia, Turkey, and Canada.



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Education is practice for a lifetime of games, a season that never ends, and we want to make sure that our kids are exposed to as many new ideas as possible. Bill Elman #theartofplayingwell

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Each new idea is a way of trying on somebody else’s mind. Every story they read is a chance to live another life and it helps them practice to be better people. Bill Elman #theartofplayingwell

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The most valuable things that we bring with us come from our experience and from the hard won battles that we have in our experience. Bill Elman #theartofplayingwell

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There’s been a recognition that the best prospective alumni for a university are people who have soft skills, who are measured in their approach to things, and who can present their deliberations; they are more desirable than mere high achievers. Bill Elman #theartofplayingwell

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Communication of expectations is critical to build a climate of trust, the sort of thing that I think is a prerequisite for really successful relationship building. Bill Elman #trust #culture #theartofplayingwell

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It’s hard to push yourself by yourself. Surrounding yourself by people that you can build relationships of critical friendship with is a way to push yourself to grow. Bill Elman #relationships #theartofplayingwell

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You’ve got to build an environment of trust first. Bill Elman #trust #relationships #culture #theartofplayingwell

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We want to grow people who push outward in deliberate ways. We want people to push outward with the consideration of others. Bill Elman #conatus #spinoza #theartofplayingwell

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We’re seeking sustainability through kids pushing out in a way that preserves others’ opportunities to push out that preserves it or enhances it so that you’re bringing with you the aspirations of the people who follow you. Bill Elman #conatus #theartofplayingwell

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The hospitality of the Nomadic Steppe (in Mongolia) is such that if you go away you leave your home open for other travelers who might otherwise freeze to death, an open invitation when they find themselves in the middle of nowhere. Bill Elman #culture #theartofplayingwell

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